Thursday, March 6, 2008

.about a son.

Recently, I purchased a copy of this documentary titled: “Kurt Cobain: About a Son”. For those of you who don’t know, Kurt Cobain was an alternative rock star. He was a guitarist and lead mic for the band “Nirvana”. That’s not my type of music but I knew that Kurt Cobain was a artist that killed himself. He felt his music went commercial and he didn’t want to go in that direction. I thought it would be interesting to view his documentary since he had a such a strong view on ART. The movie is based on unheard audio taped interviews that he did not too long before his death. The cinematography in the movie was outstanding and the editing is superb. It's crazy how the director could take so little and make so much happen behind the camera. Just watch and see. I think any artist would deeply appreciate this documentary.


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