Saturday, April 19, 2008


Once again I was listening to the Audrey Chapman show this morning on my way to work and she was talking about LIARS. LOL.... Some of the worlds most ruthless scum. Scientist say that the average person LIES twice every 10 minutes. Thats crazy, so that means that people are naturally liars. I try to be a honest person for the most part because I hate being lied to, but I can stand those people who lie so much that you can't believe anything that comes out of their mouth. Audrey said that some people lie so much that the liar begins to think that their lies are true. She said that happens because in order to be a good liar you have to have a good memory, and most people don't so they train themselves to believe their own lies. I think thats pretty f*ckin' bad when you think your lies are true. To me that says you aren't happy with yourself so you lie to make yourself look good. You are so unhappy with the truth about yourself that you have conditioned your mind to believe your own lies. LOL. The most important part of the show is when Audrey said "The people that are lying aren't the problem. The people who sit there, put up with it, and participate in it are the problem." She didn't provide any solutions to handling a liar. My personal preference is to cut them off as soon as you see signs of hurtful lies!!!...LOL... unless its family or a close friend. Anybody else I'll blow em the deuces and keep it movin'..... So the point of the post is to try to help people be honest. Honesty is the beginning to loving yourself and who you are. So the MOTTO for today is: "HONESTY, DOES A BODY GOOD"...... Oh yeah: SYCIN IT (in this form), HYPIN IT UP, or EXAGERATing is a form of lying too for all you posers, so cut that sh*t out!!!.....

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