Saturday, April 5, 2008


I was listening to the radio this morning (WHUR 96.3 in D.C). I was listening to the Audrey Chapman show. She has pretty interesting shows, that focus on relationships. It's a old head show, so every now and then I like to get on my old head ish and get a better understanding of the world. Anywho, this mornings show had nothing to do with relationships instead it was about people and their true life passions. Basically, how we all have desire and a passion to do other things in our lives however we are self sabotaging ourselves which prevents us from do the things in our lives that make us happy. We make excuses and place other responsibilties ahead of our true happiness Audrey was saying it's never too late to start doing the things that you like to do and that truly make you happy. She said there are some individuals that don't start their grind til they're 65/70 years old. Too old if you ask me but she's right its never too late. She said no matter what you have to do what you have to do. Even if you have to take some losses at first; eatting vienna sausages and ramen noodles everyday. The whole show was reassurance for me. It's exactly what I wanted and needed to hear. There is only so much time in a day and only but so much time in life so I need to make some changes. Get rid of some people, get rid of some things, and focus more on the things that will really make me happy when everything is said and done.


"A man is successful if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between; does what he wants to do."

- Bob Dylan

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