Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Young Man Once told me....

"What do you mean racism still exists? We have a black President now".... a month later look what we have in the New York Post:

Honestly, what the f*ck?!!! Did the cartoonist really think that we wouldn't pick up on that? Th crazy thing is he said he wasn't trying to send that message. First, he calls our President a Monkey (insisting that a Chimpanzee wrote the stimulus bill). Second, he said he should die for writing the stimulus bill. The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that he thinks that we are so stupid that we aren't supposed to take offense to it. I will never buy another New York Post. In fact, I won't even visit their website.

The New York Post can't possibly expect anyone to take them seriously if they are publishing Racist and Hateful crap like that.

Im Done!

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