Tuesday, May 5, 2009

. I saw barack today.

I work in Arlington, VA and today around 12:47pm my co-worker called me to her desk. She said she had been reading the Washingtonian blog and their was a post at 12:45pm that said Obama was at the local burger place near my job, Hell Burger. The best burger I've ever had in my life by the way. They take the steak from their near by steak house grind it up and turn it into 10 oz burgers topped with what ever you want. So, anyway back to the story. I had a decision to make, go see Obama.... or go to the training class for the new software our department would be using in the near future.

I mean, it's the most popular President this country has ever had..... hell yeah I went to go see him. I'm a top flight security ninja away!! ( I work for a electronic security company). So anyway, I grabbed my homey Jason and we ran down there. It was a 2 minute run. We made it and there was a huge crowd down there and all of the roads were blocked off. There was traffic all the way down Wilson Blvd and there were Feds standing around watching out for snipers.

So we get down there and I try to take pictures but I guess I should of taken photography classes in college because I got everything but Obama. But anyway watch his clip of Obama @ Hell Burger with Joe Biden

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