Sunday, May 4, 2008

.bomb the bay.

So heres what happened. Last weekend I was in San Francisco and it was hella tight. Nice weather, beautiful woman, and lots of art. So I'm kickin it wit kumasi and his folks and we're gettin punished. Mind you, all of these people I'm with are artist and they happen to write graffiti. When we get bored and run out of liquor somebody comes up with the idea to go bombing (writing graffiti through out the city). After gathering spray cans they go around bombing the city while I'm filming it. Before we knew it we were getting chased by the feds. Some how they end up catchin' all of us. We are all in handcuffs thinking we were going to jail simply because the cops found my camera and saw the footage I had. The cops ended up leaving us unattended for 3 minutes or so. So we end up taking the tape out of the camera with handcuffs behind our backs and destroying it. Since they had no evidence they were forced to let us go.... For a second I was scared because I was thousands of miles away from home and I damn sure wasn't tryna get locked up in a San Francisco jail. But they let us go and now I'm free.


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