Tuesday, May 6, 2008

.one hand.

Everybody has heard this saying (maybe not in these exact words, but something along these lines): "When they lay you in your grave, you will be able to count all of your true friends in just one hand".

When I was younger I always thought that was some stupid sh*t, but it's actually as real as real can get. You spend your whole life-time building relationships with people and when you're not building you're breaking relationships. It's crazy how people come and go out of your life like nothing. Especially when you work so hard to establish a strong foundation with someone and before you know it you can't stand to see that persons face. In some cases it's not even that bad, it may be a situation where you just realize that certain people aren't the type of people you want to kick it with anymore. People who are doing sh*t you don't want to do anymore or people who aren't doing shit period and you want to do otherwise. I guess segregating yourself from such people is just a sign a maturity. The worst part is when you realize you are the victim of separation. Meaning you were the target and someone was trying to separate themselves from you. That's when you really learn some sh*t, that's when somebody is teaching you a lesson. Like my mother said "This is what life is about. People come in and out of your life to teach you things. Everybody that comes in your life has something to offer you and you must learn from it. But at the end of the day when it's all said and done you can look around and point out those that are true to you. Make sure you keep them close because those are the people that help you through life"

I guess that's just the beauty of life. Living and Learning is a blessing. Life is some real hands-on type sh*t.


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