Sunday, May 18, 2008

.for the love of money.

What they always say? "You know, money doesn't grow on trees". That's bullshit. I realized that's the mind of a weak person talkin'. Real talk I think of that shit the other way around. Money does grow on trees, if you want it. I'm not saying go dumb wit it and buy $2,000 rims every other week, along with a iced on chain, and a beemer. I'm just sayin, for real if you want something, its in your reach. Its a matter of how you go about getting it (the clean way, without drug dealin and stealin). Go the extra mile to put some change in ya pocket. Imma leave it at that.

One more thing:

take 2 young men of the same social status, tell me which one is gonna get $ and become more successful:

1. one guys says "damn I want that house but I can't afford it".

2. second guys says "damn I want that house. what do I need to do to afford that house?"

You be the judge.

let's get $


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